[ gǔshòurúchái ] as thin [lean] as a threadpaper [lath; rake; whipping post; rail]; a mere bag of bones; a mere skeleton; as thin as sticks; bare-boned; be all skin and bone; become as emaciated as a fowl; be reduced to a shadow; be reduced to a skeleton; be very thin, nothing but skin and bone; bones as thin as firewood; bone-thin; emaciated like a stick; lean and skinny; lean as a rake; only skin and bone; scraggy; worn to a shadow
骨瘦如柴的人: a bag of bonesa walking skeletonrackabonesscragskin and bones
Example Sentences:
When he got out of the prison, he was nothing but a bag of bones . 出狱时,他骨瘦如柴。
The skeleton frame of the witch shook beneath strong convulsions . 巫婆骨瘦如柴的躯体因猛烈的感情激动而震颤着。
Christine put an arm around him, aware of his scrawny shoulders . 克里丝汀用手臂扶着他,感觉到他那骨瘦如柴的肩膀。
Sergeant towser was lean and angular and had fine blond hair so light it was almost without colour, sunken cheeks . 陶塞军士骨瘦如柴,双颊干瘪,纤细的黄头发淡得几乎象没有颜色。
All had done well for kezia from the time when, as a skinny, weeping creature of 14, she was taken into the household . 基西亚十四岁时骨瘦如柴,啜泣不已,由别人送来巴克莱家后,大家待她不薄。
Seated at a green-painted table was a short, thin, middle-aged man whose spindly legs barely reached the linoleum floor . 一张漆成绿色的桌子后面,坐着一个又矮又瘦的中年人,那两条骨瘦如柴的腿差点儿踏不到地板的油毡。
The poor old man was just a walking corpse 那可怜的老头真是骨瘦如柴。
A truss of white daisy that can ' t be more emaciated 一束骨瘦如柴的白色雏菊.她是那么瘦弱
Tim ' s as thin as a pin , but it isn ' t a sin to be thin 蒂姆骨瘦如柴,但是瘦不是一种罪过。
The markets of asia to the purebred 骨瘦如柴的strays prowling巡游