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English translation for "高层云"

[ gāocéngyún ]
altostratus cloud (as)
altostratus cloud(as)
altostratus clouds
as alto-stratus
high sheet cloud

Related Translations:
复高层云:  altostratus duplicatus
浓密高层云:  altostratus densus
碎高层云:  altostratus fractus
透光高层云:  altostratus translucidus
辐辏状高层云:  altostratus radiatus
蔽光高层云:  altostratus opacus
芙状高层云:  altostratus lenticularis
斑状高层云:  altostratus maculosus
波状高层云:  altostratus undulatus
堡状高层云:  alto stratus castellatus
Example Sentences:
1.Type of medium clouds : ac , as , ns
2.Major features appearing on the image include deep clouds white , low clouds pale yellow , high clouds blue and vegetation green
3.Major features appearing on the image include dust hazy gray , deep clouds white , low clouds pale yellow , high clouds blue and vegetation green
4.Major features appearing on the image include contrails light blue , deep clouds white , high clouds light blue and fog mist low clouds red - smooth in texture
5.Major features appearing on the image include ash white , deep clouds white , high clouds light blue , low clouds pale yellow , land yellowish green and sea dark
6.Major features appearing on the image include contrails ( light blue ) , deep clouds ( white ) , high clouds ( light blue ) and fogmistlow clouds ( red - smooth in texture )
图中可见凝结尾迹(浅蓝色) ,厚云(白色) ,高层云(浅蓝色)及雾低层云(红色,质感较柔和) 。
7.Major features appearing on the image include reflection of sunlight yellow , deep clouds white , low clouds pale yellow , high clouds blue , vegetation green and sea dark
8.Cirrocumulus clouds are high clouds , generally with a cloud base at above 6000 metres where the temperatures are several tens of degrees celsius below zero . they are composed of tiny ice crystals and are thin and translucent
9.The occurrence of cirrocumulus clouds indicates the distant presence of a convergent zone such as a pressure tough or a cyclone in lower levels ; or a frontal zone where cold air meets moist warm air . vigorous convection and lifting motion bring water vapour up in the sky where the water vapour sublimes into ice crystals , forming the high clouds
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