| 1. | Good , the squares formed by crossed lines are reined in gao waer 好了,格勒高瓦尔 |
| 2. | You are squares formed by crossed lines luxgirls friend gao waer 你是格勒高瓦尔朋友 |
| 3. | Are the squares formed by crossed lines reined in gao waer 格勒高瓦尔? |
| 4. | Is squares formed by crossed lines luxgao waeryou 格勒高瓦尔,是你吗? |
| 5. | Awaiting me , the squares formed by crossed lines are reined in gao waer 等我,格勒高瓦尔 |
| 6. | I am living to awaitthatthe squares formed by crossed lines rein in gao waer 我在等格勒高瓦尔 |
| 7. | The squares formed by crossed lines are reined in gao waer , can not be such 格勒高瓦尔,不能那样 |
| 8. | I know the electrical appliances made in that country require high wattage . 我知道那个国家制造的电器都是高瓦数。 |
| 9. | How is your face to go backthe affair to squares formed by crossed lines luxgao waer 格勒高瓦尔,你的脸是怎么回事? |
| 10. | I reckon that squares formed by crossed lines luxs gao waer should be equal to this work 我想格勒高瓦尔应该能胜任这个工作 |