| 1. | Kaohsiung harbor is the world s fourth largest container port 高雄港是世界第四大货柜港。 |
| 2. | It offers a wonderful view of the city with its magnificent buildings and marvellous scenery 游客可在高雄港领略水都风情,欣赏港口的宏伟建设及秀丽风光。 |
| 3. | It provides natural protection for kaohsiung harbour . it boasts great sea views and a host of temples and historic sites :位于高雄市唯一的离岛,为高雄港提供了最佳的屏障。 |
| 4. | The old chueh chiang commercial quarter there came to prominence when american sailors were stationed in kaohsiung in the 1960s 位于盐埕区的旧堀江商圈因五十年代美国海军进驻高雄港而崛起。 |
| 5. | Most visitors like to go over on the ferry , which cuts across kaohsiung harbor , but the ferry only carries passengers and motorcycles 到旗津的方式有两种,一般旅客喜欢搭乘渡轮横越高雄港,吹海风,顺道欣赏港景。 |
| 6. | In 1904 the japanese government began building the kaohsiung harbor , this policy dealt a blow to the traditional status of anping as an important shipping port 明治三十七年(西元1904年)日本政府兴建高雄港的政策,打击了安平传统大港的地位。 |
| 7. | Night view from the t c tower one can look out over the entire city from the grand formosa kaohsiung hotel s coffee shop , which is often full to capacity 号称全台最高的东帝士大楼在七十五楼设有观景台,可三百六十度鸟瞰高雄港与高雄市区夜景。 |
| 8. | Geohiong ( kaohsiung ) mayor sia diongding ( frank hsieh ) ordered the city to open up the wall that separated geohiong harbor and the city , thereby opening up a whole new recreational area 高雄市长谢长廷啪通高雄港及市区隔开耶围墙?搁增设公园乎市民加一耶活动区。 |
| 9. | We recommend an evening dinner at grand formosa s 85th - floor restaurant , followed by drinks at the bar , all the while enjoying a spectacular view of kaohsiung harbor and the city 夜晚至八十五层高楼晶华饭店的附属餐厅用餐,饭后在酒吧喝酒,同时一览高雄港与高雄市区夜景。 |
| 10. | Another specialty they do here is a shredded , dried fish made by pounding sailfish and salt from kaohsiung harbor . it doesn t contain any fishbones and it s crispiness complements rice perfectly 鱼酥也是店内自制,由高雄港供应的盐?与旗鱼捣碎制成,没有鱼刺,酥酥地口感配qq的饭刚刚好。 |