The research shows that tp is the main pollutant of the rivers , and the crucial rivers contributing to the eutrophication of the lake are zhihu port , taige canal , caoqiao river , taigenan canal and dapu port 研究还表明,总磷污染最为严重,对太湖(太湖的西-西北-北部分)水体富营养化影响最大的入湖河道有直湖港、太鬲运河、漕桥河、太鬲南运河和大浦港。
In a glen a short distance from the left bank of the lhasa river , there is a village called dangdong . moving further on for half an hour , you will come upon a green valley overgrown with all sorts of trees and with a stream running through it 距拉萨河左岸不远的一处山沟里,有一个名叫“当东”的村庄,从此地再向山立攀登半小时,在海拔4oo0米的鬲处,会意想不到地发现一片苍翠的山谷。
By studying the liujia culture , the zhengjiapo culture , the shang culture in western guangzhong area and the nianzipo culture , this paper suggests that the zhengjiapo culture is the most close to the western zhou culture and cultural elements represented by li vessel with arch crotch are aboriginal to the zhou culture 通过对刘家文化、郑家坡文化、关中西部商文化、碾子坡文化等的分析,我们认为郑家坡文化与西周文化一脉相承,以联裆鬲等为代表的文化因素是周人的固有文化因素。