| 1. | Costs 35 % of base mana . 15 minute cooldown 消耗35 %的总魔法值, 15分钟冷却时间。 |
| 2. | Conjures an energy shard that when used , restores 90 - 120 % mana over 8 seconds 召唤一个能量碎片,使用后能在8秒内恢复90 % - 120 %魔法值 |
| 3. | All enemy heroes that take less than 100 damage lose 75 % of their remaining mana 所有受到小于100点的伤害的英雄将损失75 %的当前魔法值。 |
| 4. | All enemy heroes that take less than 250 damage lose 75 % of their remaining mana 所有受到小于250点的伤害的英雄将损失75 %的当前魔法值。 |
| 5. | Level 2 - sacrifices a nearby friendly unit to restore 30 % of its hit points to your mana 二级-牺牲一个友方士兵,将他30 %的生命值转化为自己的魔法值。 |
| 6. | Level 4 - sacrifices a nearby friendly unit to restore 60 % of its hit points to your mana 四级-牺牲一个友方士兵,将他60 %的生命值转化为自己的魔法值。 |
| 7. | Level 3 - sacrifices a nearby friendly unit to restore 45 % of its hit points to your mana 三级-牺牲一个友方士兵,将他45 %的生命值转化为自己的魔法值。 |
| 8. | Level 1 - sacrifices a nearby friendly unit to restore 15 % of its hit points to your mana 一级-牺牲一个友方士兵,将他15 %的生命值转化为自己的魔法值。 |
| 9. | The amount of stolen mana is calculated based on the number of familiars in the stack , and their basic weekly increase 偷窃的魔法值多少取决于魔童的数量,以及它的周产量。 |
| 10. | Knights are especially useful against abominations who have an increased mana pool for feedback to take advantage of 骑士在对抗有魔法值的憎恶时,依仗反馈技能容易取得优势。 |