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English translation for ""

(供奉神佛的小阁子) niche; shrine

Related Translations:
闸龛:  gate trap
阀龛:  valve recess
岩龛:  halbhole
龛室:  cidorium; boldachino
基本龛:  fundamental niche
圣体龛:  tabernacle
营养龛:  trophic niche
上龛:  shangkan
洞龛:  niche; recess in a wall (for a statue or ornament)
十字架龛:  rood loft
Example Sentences:
1.Cliffside sculptures of sui dynasty at mount yuhan in jinan
2.Keywords niches analyzed
3.Diecai shan , folded brocade hill , is located in the northern section of the city
4.The evolution process of grottoes shapes at the maiji mountain grottoes during the northern dynasties
5.Private cemeteries and other organisations also provide niches for the public
6.Letters of approval for the allocation of niches to be issued within 3 working days of application
7.The allocation of an individual niche to be made within 45 minutes , upon production of the letter of approval
8.With the construction of it beginning in 453 , the grottoes have a history of more than 1 , 500 years
东西绵延约一公里,现存大小洞窟53个,小1100多个,造像5 . 1万多尊。
9.Some 138 149 niches are provided at reasonable prices for the storage of ashes in eight columbaria
10.Some 137 939 niches are provided at reasonable prices for the storage of ashes in eight gardens of remembrance
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