[ rèn ] 量词 (古时八尺或七尺叫做一仞) ren, an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi 短语和例子 为山九仞, 功亏一篑。 the lack of one basketful of earth spoils the entire effort to build a nine-ren mountain
The lack of one basketful of earth spoils the entire effort to build a nine-ren mountain . 为山九仞,功亏一篑。
Amidst red crags and rock columns 黄山四千仞,
Behind our position was a precipitous and deep ravine , down which it would be difficult to retreat with artillery and cavalry 我军阵地后面有一座陡峭的万仞深谷,炮兵和骑兵很难从峡谷退却。
The qinghai - xizang plateau reverences your solemnity and teaches me to climb to the place towering into the sky with soaring aspiration 青藏高原虔敬你的庄严,教我壮志凌云,登千仞高处向天竞发。
Sharp cliffs , row after row of high mountain ranges , rushing streams , and dead twigs are all things you will encounter in one of the most impressive scenic spots of shangri - la 绝壁千仞、高岭绸叠、流溪叠韵、枯槎横出,是现已开发的香格里拉峡谷的景观之一。
A thousand - mile road is paved with tiny pebbles . narrow roads lead to high mountains . gorgeous embroidery requires a fine needle . a happy life needs attentive planning 千里道路要靠小石铺成,万仞山峰要从小路攀登,美丽织锦要用小针绣出,幸福人生要存小心走过。
Composed of the sceen hill pingxia zhang at the back , the heavenly column peak tianzhu feng and the flag peak zhanqi feng , two huge rocks sitting on both sides , and an old temple located in the middle , the spiritual rocks area make people feel awesome 后有灿若云锦的屏霞嶂,左右天柱展旗二崖对峙,壁立千仞。因“浑庞”而生肃穆,人处其中,顿觉万虑俱息。灵峰使人情思飞动,灵岩则使人心境沉静。
Pingtung city is the administrative seat of pingtung county . it s not large and its main tourist attractions are tzufeng temple pingtung s matsu temple , always replete with incense smoke and offerings , and the confucian temple pingtung academy , with its famous eye - catching screen wall 屏东市是屏东县政府所在地,面积不大,旅游点首推香火鼎盛奉祀妈祖的慈凤宫屏东天后宫,以及立著九仞宫墙大屏风的孔庙屏东书院。
Especially among the hengduan mountains , where the nu river , the jinsha river and the lancang river flow across , somewhere there is a thousand meters high peak and somewhere there is a ten - thousand meters abyss . looking up you can see the snowy and icy peaks ; looking down you can see the tropical forests 尤其到怒江金沙江澜沧江流经的横断山脉,时而跃上千仞峰顶,时而坠入万丈深渊,或举首雪峰冰川,或俯看热带丛林,使人既感惊心动魄,又觉心旷神怡。
The lijiang river , which runs through the center of guilin , is a complementary attraction to the peaks and a setting for displays of cormorant fishing . fishermen on bamboo rafts use strong lights suspended over the water to attract the fish . the cormorants , which are tethered with rings round the base of their necks , catch the fish and then disgorge them for the fishermen ( until their work is done had the tings are removed so they can eat ) “翡翠之路”漓江起于“山水甲天下”的桂林,止于“山水甲桂林”的阳朔, 40多公里水程风光荟萃,如入山水长卷的水中画廊,俯望沁心醉人的漓水,纵观壁立千仞的峰林,饱览深涧、险滩、幽洞、流泉、飞瀑的美景,山景、水景、洞景、石景,使人有左右顾盼、目不暇接之感。