| 1. | Men were divided not by their regions or their roots . 人们不是按照地区和籍贯来划分的。 |
| 2. | She gave up all idea of any arbitrary division of her guests . 她放弃了对客人们武断地作出任何划分的念头。 |
| 3. | They reflect the variety of boundaries drawn for the environment . 它们反映着对“环境”所划分的各种不同界限。 |
| 4. | The codes of right and wrong lie at the bottom of every decision she makes . 她对正确和错误划分的标准是她作出决定的准则。 |
| 5. | His book delimited groups of plants closely corresponding to many that we still recognize . 他书中划分的植物类群与我们现在依然承认的许多类群相比密切相符。 |
| 6. | Reevaluation of the two connotations of humanism 对人道主义内涵两种划分的再理解 |
| 7. | Monthly total value of sales of goods , by type 按类别划分的每月销货价值总额。 |
| 8. | The version ver . depends on the recording speed Ver .版本是按照刻录速度划分的。 |
| 9. | Registered private cars by engine size 按引擎汽缸容量划分的私家车登记统计数字 |