| 1. | This amount does not include the possible actual damages which may be claimed by the company 该笔赔偿不包括本公司对可能造成的实际损害进行索赔的金额。 |
| 2. | To the extent permitted by applicable law and to the extent that ups is otherwise found to be responsible for any damages , ups shall be responsible for actual damages only 在法律允许范围内和ups须承担损害赔偿责任的情况外, ups仅对实际损害承担赔偿责任。 |
| 3. | To the extent permitted by applicable law and to the extent that ups is otherwise found to be responsible for any damages , ups shall be responsible for actual damages only 在法律允许的范围内和ups须承担损害赔偿责任的情况外, ups仅对实际损害承担赔偿责任。 |
| 4. | The determination of punitive compensation sum should have proper intimidation as its principle , take the property state , the subjective vicious extent and the practical damage into account 关于惩罚性赔偿的金额的确定,要以适度威慑为原则,综合考虑被告的财产状况、被告行为的主观恶性程度、实际损害的大小等因素进行确定。 |
| 5. | The danger of acts exists before the damage . causality of joint dangerous act is putative . the joint dangerous actors take joint and several liability to the outside while have recourse to do inside 构成共同危险行为不以行为的“共同性”为必要,行为人致人损害的危险在造成实际损害时必须已经存在,共同危险行为的因果关系是一种拟制的因果关系。 |
| 6. | The first part of principle 15 states that no person may be punished on national security grounds for disclosure of information if the disclosure does not actually harm , and is not likely to harm , a legitimate national security interest 第十五项原则第一部分说,如披露的资料对国家安全的合法利益并无造成实际损害,也不可能造成损害,任何人披露有关资料,都不得以国家安全理由受到惩处。 |
| 7. | According to peculiarity of crime of robbery , the author asserts that crime of robbery has double object . combining the general provision and the specific provision , the author asserts that crime of robbery can be regarded as completion of a crime when any of its objects is harmed 二、抢劫罪既遂与未遂的界限笔者根据本罪的特殊性,结合刑法总则与分则,认为在双重客体当中,任何一种客体受到实际损害都应该认定为既遂。 |
| 8. | Meanwhile , the plaintiff who institutes the public interest litigation often has nothing to do with the interest of the litigation , moreover , the object the litigation appeals to can be not only the damage which has happened , but the damage which still not exist 同时原告提起公益性质诉讼与诉的利益往往不具有直接利害关系。再者,公益诉讼起诉的对象既可以是造成了实际损害的违法行为,也可以是尚未造成现实损害的违法行为。 |
| 9. | Are at play . some have immediate effects that are to a certain extent quantifiable : the physical damage caused by the atrocity ; the cost - in additional security and insurance , lost revenue , lost jobs - to the airline and tourist industries ; the blow to markets worldwide 某程度上,有一些即时的影响是可以量化的,包括:这次恐怖袭击造成的实际损害航运及旅游业因额外的保安及保险支出以及收入及职位流失所付出的代价,以及全球市场所受的打击。 |
| 10. | For a long time , the action mode of authority creed has been adopted in civil procedure , while the legislation and the theoretical circles do n ' t pay enough attention to the principle of good faith . compared to western countries , the existing system of civil procedure cannot effectively protect the right of action of the parties . although we do not have the tradition of the rule of law , our culture of 诉讼法既保障当事人实质意义上的公正,也强调当事人人格尊严不受侵犯,实质公正和程序公正并重,因此,诉讼法上的归责不以行为人给他人造成实际损害为要件,只要行为人实施了违反诚信义务的行为,且主观上存在过错,即应承担违反诚信原则的法律后果。 |