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Chinese translation for "abacavir"


Related Translations:
abacavir sulphate:  阿巴卡韦
abacavir sulfate:  硫酸阿巴卡韦
abacavir succinate:  琥珀酸阿巴卡韦
Example Sentences:
1.But in myanmar msf has no access to abacavir as the drug is expensive and there are no low - cost prequalified generic versions
但阿巴卡韦( abacavir )在缅甸的售价非常高,且没有廉价的仿制配方,无国界医生实在无法负担高昂的药费。
2.Four more companies will provide the antiretroviral drugs efavirenz and abacavir at a price about 30 percent less than the current market rate
另外还有4个公司将提供抗逆转录病毒疗法的药物依非韦伦efavirenz和阿巴卡韦abacavir ,供货价也比
3.Choosing the correct arv regimen for htway htway will not be easy for her doctor . a third option would be to use a combination of azt , 3tc and abacavir , as recommended by who for hiv tb co - infection
第三种方案是采用内含多夫定( azt ) 、拉米夫定及阿巴卡韦( abacavir ) 、适用于同时感染爱滋病与结核病的复合疗法。
4.Under the agreement , four companies will offer the tests for 49 cents to 65 cents each , cutting the cost of a diagnosis in half . four more companies will provide the antiretroviral drugs efavirenz and abacavir at a price about 30 percent less than the current market rate
据美联社1月12日报道,根据协议, 4家医药公司将向发展中国家提供价格为每次49美分到65美分的hiv测试服务,比在发达国家中的价格便宜一半左右。
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