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Chinese translation for "abeam"

Example Sentences:
1.Abeam consulting shanghai co . , ltd
2.The lighthouse was abeam of the ship
3.Replenishment distance abeam
4.Abeam approaching method
5.We were heading s . s . w . , and had a steady breeze abeam and a quiet sea
6.The first chapter , to clarify the conception of the " crossing situation " , focuses on expounding the definition and the classification of the " crossing situation " , including the definition of the " power - driven vessel " , " course crossing " , and " so as to involve risk of collision " , the classification of the pattern for the crossing situation as well , meanwhile , the thesis puts forward the general division for the " crossing situation " : such as small angle " crossing situation " , abeam " crossing situation " , and large angle " crossing situation "
第一篇主要论述“交叉相遇局面”的定义和分类,包括对“机动船” 、 “航向交叉” 、 “致有构成碰撞危险”这三者的定义和交叉相遇局面的分类,使“交叉相遇局面”在概念上有一个清晰的定义,同时明确地给出了交叉相遇局面三种交叉态势的一般划分:小角度交叉、正横交叉、大角度交叉。
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