The fracture energy of cu / - aiodiffusion - welded joints was greatly increased by the introduction of the thin film nb interlayer whereas diffusion welding can be performed at a relatively low temperature ( 900 ) . the increase in fracture energy of the joints with nb film interlayer was attributed to the strong abhesion of nb to - aio combined with larger plastic deformation in the metal side during fracture tem observations showed large amounts of dislocations existing at the interfacial regions 本文主要内容就是概括地介绍了国内外关于扩散连接接头行为数值模拟的发展现状;主要包括界面孔洞消失过程、接头元素扩散与反应层的形成、接头变形与应力行为的数值模拟,以使人们能够定性或半定量的分析扩散连接因素对接头性能的影响。