I wanted peace and quiet, tranquility, but was too much aboil inside . 我需要和睦和宁静,需要安宁,但是我的内心翻腾得太厉害了。
The competition of beverage packaging is very aboil 饮料包装大战正酣
The next in order , oneself in talent market will distinctly enter the more aboil competition ages 其次,人才市场自身也将由于“圈地运动”和外国人力资源服务机构将大举进入而进入更趋激烈的竞争时代。
Especially from reform and opening , situation of transportation market deeply changes , and competition of several transportation ways gets aboil 特别是改革开放以来,运输市场格局发生了深刻变化,多种运输方式的竞争日趋激烈。
Facing the new environment of wto , how to participate in the aboil competion market and how to use the scientific theory and technique to bid as a chinese construction enterprise is a very important and exigent research subject 面对加入wto的新环境,我国施工企业如何积极参与市场竞争、依据科学的理论与方法进行工程投标,是一项非常迫切和重要的研究课题。
At the background of more aboil competition , more low industry profit and more short distribution channel , the existence & development situation of mobile phone dealers especially the cdma mobile phone dealers becomes more noticeable 在目前竞争日益激烈、行业利润越来越低、渠道扁平化趋势发展的市场状况下,手机经销商尤其是刚进入市场不久的c网手机经销商的生存和发展情况如何就更加引人关注了。
After 15 minutes ' intensively discussion , they started to exhibit their results . the nine groups , adding culture construction group , drumbeating group started their aboil contend and pk match . first , the elected leaders steped onto the platform to declare their team name and catchwords , and devised themselves ' characteristic behave . this activity bubbled up the assembly room ' s atmosphere . then we let the leaders stand in a line and give them the last 2 minutes ' speak time to draw tickets . lastly , we decided to choose the winner using the method that every group votes two tickets . but for there were 3 winners at last , we handed out a few lollipops averagely to this 3 groups . their great ambition expressed in last prevail speech reminded us the experience and scene in summer camp 首先是刚才大家公认选出的组长上台代表自己的小组发言,宣布自己组的队名和口号,并作出自己特色的表现,一轮下来,整个会场几近沸腾,接下来我们让每位组长上台一字排开,并给他们每人最后的两句话的表现机会,大家积极踊跃发言为自己的小组拉票,最后我们由每个小组头两票的方式决定最后的获胜者,结果出人意料的出现了并列三组第一的局面,我们只得把我们为数不多的棒棒糖平均分给了三个小组,在他们的获胜感言上他们又一次表达的自己的雄心壮志,我们在这里看到了我们曾经夏令营的经历和场面。
Tourism resource is the matter bases for development of tourism industry , with the expanding of tourism industry , tourist manifold , the trend of tourist ' s requirements become to be obvious diversification and individuation . especially today , the tourism industry becomes very aboil , and the tourism market is changing to buyer ' s marke from seller ' s market , no other than impolderring tourism resource deeply , the tourist ' s needs can be satisfied , and the tourism industry can persist in progress 旅游资源是旅游业赖以发展的物质基础,随着旅游业的发展,游客逐渐增多,需求多样化、个性化趋势日益明显,尤其在旅游业竞争日趋激烈的今天,旅游市场已由卖方市场转变为买方市场,只有对现有旅游资源进行深层次开发,才能不断地满足旅游者的需要,确保旅游业持续发展。
It is proved by the following representations : the small proportion of bancassurance premium to total premium and revenues of the bank , the big gap of operation scale and developing speed , the similar products between different insurers , the single sale means , the aboil competition in price , the low operation level , the weak speciality of the bank salesmen and lack of after - service 而从银行与保险公司自身来说,由于面临的竞争压力不断加大和自身利益的原因,银行与保险公司也希望通过银行保险增加收入和利润。这些因素使我国的银行保险在短短几年内迅猛发展,如今已经与个险、团险一起成为保险公司三大业务支柱。