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Chinese translation for "access-oriented"


Related Translations:
task oriented:  工作定向
even oriented:  面向事件的
orient pt:  奥连特角
oriented network:  取向网络
oriented bundle:  可定向丛
orienting knob:  方位的柄方位手柄
orienting reflex:  朝向反射定向反射
event oriented:  面向事件
flake orienter:  刨花定向器
oriented region:  取向区
Example Sentences:
1.For really interactive 3d experience , we propose a novel color block truncation algorithm using hierarchical bit - plane prediction ( cbtc - hbpp ) to chase for random access - oriented purpose with moderate compression efficiency
由于交互式3d体验的要求,我们提出面向随机接入性的新型压缩算法? ?采用层次化比特平面预测的彩色光场块截断压缩。
Similar Words:
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