Acis geometric engine is analyzed in depth , including its systematic structures , data structures of models , and the interfaces between application and acis 深入剖析acis几何平台,分析其体系结构,模型数据结构,开发接口。
Based on aag , a prototype system on the acis platform is developed , which can recognize machining features of shaft kind parts and 2 . 5d parts automatically 在acis平台上开发了一个基于属性邻接图的轴类和2 . 5维零件加工特征识别的原型系统。
A solution that java3d constructs gridding model ’ s display on the client side and the server side realizes geometric modeling function ground on acis is proposed 本文提出了一种由java3d构建客户端网格模型显示,服务器基于acis实现几何造型功能的解决方案。
( 4 ) the thesis provides the important data structure and the procedure of the surface reconstruction algorithm . the algorithm has been implemented with vc + + 6 . 0 on the platform of acis ( 4 )给出了曲面重建过程中重要的数据结构和算法流程,并在acis平台上采用vc + + 6 . 0加以实现。
According to all researches above and practical application , a noncircular surface grinding simulation system , which carries out nc code preprocess and verification simulation , has been developed on the basis of acis and hoops platform 基于以上研究,并结合实际应用,开发出了基于acis和hoops平台的非圆曲面磨削加工仿真系统,实现了对数控代码的预处理和仿真验证。
In this dissertation , the key technologies in the development of the cad / cam software based on acis geometric engine are studied in depth . and tool path generation methods are researched with emphasis . the requirements of the manufacturing - oriented cad / cam systems are analyzed 本文以工程应用为背景,结合国家“九五”重点科技攻关专题,深入研究了基于acis几何平台的cad cam系统开发的相关技术,并对其中的数控加工编程技术进行了重点研究。
Aiming at the defects of the acis mesh models , a mesh simplification algrithom is introduced , which is based on the criteria of the angle between the normals of two triangular facets . through twice simplification to the original model , a three - level lod model is obtained C - superman系统在acis平台上进行几何造型,本文针对acis网格模型的缺陷用基于三角片法矢判别的准则进行网格简化,利用该简化算法对原始网格模型进行两次简化获得了三级精度的细节层次模型。
All of that establish stable foundation for the development of cam system . the nc programming technology of complicated planar pockets is researched . based on acis , algorithms of machining along contours of workpieces , zigzag milling , and contour - parallel milling are designed and implemented 研究了基于acis几何平台的复杂平面型腔的数控加工编程技术,分别就二轴轮廓加工编程、行切加工编程和环切加工编程,给出相应的加工类,设计了具体的刀轨生成算法。
1 . the collaborative geometric modeling of c - superman is based on java3d and acis , and geometric editting is an important part of the geometric modeling . taking advantage of the incremental facetting , this paper facets the acis model on the server , so that computational time and the data transmission quatity through network are reduced , and quick display of the client model has been realized 在c - superman系统的基础上,本文对协同cad系统中几何编辑和优化显示技术进行了深入的研究开发,主要研究工作如下: 1 ) c - superman系统采用java3d和acis进行协同几何建模,几何编辑是几何建模的重要组成部分,在进行协同几何编辑的过程中,本文利用增量离散的方法对服务器端的几何模型进行离散,减少了计算量和需要网络传输的数据量,有效的实现了修改后几何模型的快速更新。