Vein indwelling acus in premature fransfusion applications taste 静脉留置针在早产儿输液中应用体会
The company produces three kinds of production , those are axenic one - off apparatus infusionis , injector and vein - transfusion acus 莲花医疗用品有限公司出品。计有无菌一次性输液器、注射器、静脉输液针三种产品。
Remove the coverof the soft acus . hold thepinhead s vane between the thumb and theindex finger . protect the pinhead s coveufrom bacteria s plllution 脱去采血软针外包装,用拇指和食指持前端针头叶片,保留针套,避免细菌污染。
Let the part ready for vein puncturing , then antisepsis it . remove the colorful acus s coverand expose the head of bi - direction acus , then puncture veins stanting on15unit of measure 准备静脉穿刺部位,并予以消毒。拔除彩色针套,暴露双向针前端,以15度角斜向上进行静脉血管穿刺。
Hold the colorful acus s cover in one hand . let the port of the bi - direction be exposcd . screw thc port into the holder . the colorfulacus s cover will protect the forwcrd part ofthc bi - direction from bacteria s pollution 一手握住双向针的彩色针套,另一手逆时针方向拧下白色针套,暴露双向针的刺塞端(带弹性胶套的一端) ;将双向针刺塞端按顺时针方向拧入持针器中,彩色针套仍保护双向针前端,避免细菌污染。