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Chinese translation for "adjustability"


Related Translations:
adjustability coefficients:  可调系数11
Example Sentences:
1.This adjustability gives the user complete control of their optical system
2.But this kind of competition was still the adjustability of supply and demand under the national plan
3.Wear points of the die sections must be inserted for economical maintenance , replacement cost , and adjustability for stock variance
4.Hor izontal film evaporators have the following advantages : large capacity per unit area ; short drying time ; adjustability of thickness of film ; adequate process co ntrol
5.Dry - mortar encounters large market and development interspace , due to many advantages of agility , multiformity , preservation , and adjustability
6.Based on the census 2000 and a new survey in 2005 , the study depicts the mobility and adjustability in professional occupation of floating people in wuhan
7.This computer measure and control system of electrical power ergograph not only possesses abroad adjustability and flexibility , but also enhances the reliability and real - time charter of system
8.Using the digital pid control , the temperature can be controlled within the range of 300 ~ 500 with a precision of 1 and uninterrupted adjustability of temperature setting is realized
通过采用数字pid控制,可使温控精度在300 500 ~ c范围内达到1 ,并可实现温度设定值的连续可调。
9.The user creates the new solution of budgeteering by connecting these basic models . thereby , the flexibility of fdss and the adjustability to decision problems can be greatly improved
10.New research indicated that emotion has nine functions such as motivity , aggrandizement , adjustability , semaphore , infection , transference , leading , healthy and harmony
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