As you may remember , this was fully discussed in a washington post advertorial on sept . 20 , 2005 各位可能还记得,我们已经在2005年9月20日的《华盛顿邮报》论述广告中,彻底讨论过此点。
Rates or special bookings such as leaflet insertion , advertorial is available by quotation . any confirmed bookings are not allowed to cancel 广告客户之预订经确认后,不得取消。其他特殊规格如插页、宣传稿等价目,可向本刊查询。
The campaign will include pamphlets , posters , newspaper inserts and advertorials , an educational booklet , radio and television broadcasts and so on 运动内容包括宣传小册子、海报、报章杂志广告、防贪教育手册,以及电台和电视广播等等。
The club will promote the competition widely , with newspaper ads , advertorials , posters , leaflets and related companies like smartone - vodafone and wilson parking 新地会将透过集团大网络进行连串宣传,包括报章广告特刊海报单张,以及透过数码通威信停车场等作多渠道宣传。
Build and maintain corporative and working relationship with press , magazines , tv and internet media ; in charge of media release , advertorial and feature programming and publicity task 与媒体:报纸、杂志、电视和网络,建立良好的合作关系,负责媒体发布,文章主题及报道策划及发布工作。
Produce high quality collaterals in a timely manner . proficiency in day - to - day writing including monthly reports , press releases , program and presentation documents , advertorial and features , case studies and business correspondence 在规定时间里完成高质量的写作。有效地完成日常工作所需文件的撰写,包括月报、新闻稿、相关的执行文件、活动概述、广告文案和专题,及商业信函。