Their poetry was gorgeous and splendid , furthermore their style was affectionateness and impressive 李诗兴寄深微,托意空灵;温诗瑰丽?艳,浑圆流转。
She said to sonya , indicating by this french phrase the slightly contemptuous affectionateness of her attitude to sonya 她对索尼娅说,她用法国话问好,突出她对索尼娅的略嫌藐视的温和的态度。
As late autumn accompanied by the red leaves , we intend to touch the customers with affectionateness , and create a profound sentiment to link up our hearts so as to drive the good reputation and sales of the products 适逢深秋红叶相伴,以深情厚意来打动客群之心,营造一种相互之间浓郁情感,让心与心牵起一条连接的纽带,以此来带动产品的美誉与销售。