vi. 攻击;侵略,挑衅 (on, upon, against)。 aggress upon the public property 侵占公共财产。
Example Sentences:
Study on school ' s civil liability when minor students aggressed 未成年学生受侵害时学校之民事责任研究
I have pressure . you have pressure . why did you aggress me 你有你的压力,我有我的压力,你为什麽挑衅我呀?
Aggressing jin dynasty , defeating western liao and western xia were cornerstones for the unity of yuan dynasty though somewhat destructive 西征中亚、西亚和欧洲,虽带有对外征服和扩张性质,给各国人民曾带来灾难和破坏。
But in the later , the limo policy finally given the czarist government the opportunity to be aggressed , ended in the evil consequence of losing the territory 但在清朝后期,对边疆少数民族的羁縻政策最终给沙皇俄国的侵略以可乘之机,换来了丧失疆土的恶果。
The new rules oriented the tae kwon do towards the words " encourage beating head , encourage aggressing actively , encourage beating continuously " 新规则不仅使比赛更加激烈,也给予了运动员更多的机会,展现了跆拳道比赛的精彩场面;从而使比赛的观赏性有了质的飞跃。
This study , starting with zengguofan ' s learning and social status , has combined with era settings of social transition and china ' s aggressed 是时,列强环伺,社会剧变,为实现富国强兵,曾国藩在引进西方科技、任用与培养科技人才、翻译西方书籍、推行新式教育方面,作出了开拓性贡献。
First , the dissertation reviewed the research advancement on the history of japanese invasion in chinese and pointed out the practical significance and historic value of developing the item - " control and resources plunderer of china ' s sericulture during japan aggressing against china " 论文共由7章组成。首先,回顾了国内外对日本侵华史研究的现状,指出了开展《日本侵华时期对中国蚕丝业的统制与资源掠夺》课题研究的现实意义与历史价值。
What this thesis focuses on is that in the judicial practice , the difficulty to determine the aim premise , generates the crime of contract fraud cannot accurately be applied , or punish some acts aggressing the good faith system of contract seriously , and leads to the confusion for the judicial offices to transfer or suspend cases when the civil and criminal affairs intercrossing 对于司法实践中无端中止、移送案件的做法,笔者试图对其原因加以分析,对移送、中止应掌握恪守的原则加以阐述,并尝试对司法实践中遇到民、刑交叉案件在程序上的具体做法提出建议,以求对保障当事人诉讼权利以及司法公正有所裨益。