Allogamy cross - fertilization in plants 异花受精:植物中的异体受精。
Most plants are hermaphrodite , but have mechanisms such as self - incompatibility that promote allogamy 许多植物是雌雄同体的,但它们存在自交不亲和的机制,从而促进异花受精。
Chinese cabbage - pak - choi ( brassica campestris l . ssp . chinensis makino ) is a typical allogamy plant and is of attractive heterosis . and , it is also one of the most popular leafy vegetables , especially in the south china 白菜( brassicacampestrisl . ssp . chinensismakino )属十字花科芸薹属芸薹种植物,在我国农业生产和人民生活中占有非常重要的地位。