| 1. | A large thangka of amitayus 18 century 无量寿佛唐卡十八世纪 |
| 2. | A thangka of amitayus 18 century 阿弥陀佛十八世纪 |
| 3. | Meanwhile , rinpoche also requested ot rinpoche to conduct a amitayus drubchen for tm 就在同时,仁波切亦要求ot仁波切为tm举行一场长寿佛的竹千法会。 |
| 4. | The union represents the union of wisdom and compassion of amitayus , giving rise to the dharmakaya and sambohkaya body of a buddha 他们的结合体现出无量寿佛的报身及法身。 |
| 5. | Thus , amitayus helps us to dispel the darkness of ignorance and to attain wisdom and compassion , which is represented in this icon by the father - mother union 无量寿佛双修像象征著唯有透过慈悲与智慧之结合我们才能证得佛性获得最究竟的解脱。 |
| 6. | This exquisite depiction of amitayus is beautiful and ideal for presenting as gifts to family and friends as it carries infinite benefits to the recipient 如此精致的无量寿佛是送给亲朋好友的最佳礼物因为它能赐予他们广大生活及修行上的利益。 |
| 7. | Amitayus , the buddha of infinite life , is synonymous with amitabha , the buddha of infinite light , and resides in the heavenly abode of sukhavati , also known as the western pure land 无量寿佛阿弥陀佛双修像无量寿佛也就是汉传佛教里的阿弥陀佛或无量光佛安住于西方极乐世界。 |
| 8. | In the sutras , buddha shakyamuni , at the request of manjushri explained that before enlightenment amitabha or amitayus had made 12 great vows to benefit and help sentient beings 显宗教法里有提到释迦牟尼佛在文殊菩萨的恳请下说到无量寿佛在未成佛前曾发下十二宏愿誓愿利益一切有情众生。 |
| 9. | Amitayus usually holds a long - life vase filled with the nectar of immortality , an elixir of eternal life . however , this icon is special as amitayus is sitting in the father - mother union posture with his female consort 我们平常所见的无量寿佛手持装满无量寿之甘露的长寿瓶但此图像较为特殊因为他是以双修图示现。 |