No nere ingrowth into the needle track lesion at the anular puncture site was obsered 我们没有观察到任何神经长入环状穿刺针孔灶处的迹象。
To study 15 patients with anular ligaments formed operation on children ' s old monteggia fracture 儿童陈旧性孟氏骨折合并桡神经深支损伤手术疗效分析
Pathology of buttonhole deformity of monteggia fracture - dislocation and suitability of reconstructive surgery of anular ligaments 小儿孟氏骨折脱位扣眼畸形的病理认识以及环状韧带重建术的探讨
Objectie . to examine inneration of interertebral discs and surrounding tissues in the rabbit anular - puncture model with arious magnitudes of injury 研究设计.这是在兔环状穿刺椎间盘退变模型中长入神经纤维的体内组织学研究。