Andrew had the reputation of being a skilled arithmetician ; and this was a branch of knowledge that stephenson was now desirous of acquiring 此外,安德鲁作为一名有技能的算术家有一定的声望,这也是斯蒂芬森现在迫切需求获得知识的一部分。
The staple conversation on the farms around was on the uselessness of saving money ; and smock - frocked arithmeticians , leaning on their ploughs or hoes , would enter into calculations of great nicety to prove that parish relief was a fuller provision for a man in his old age than any which could result from savings out of their wages during a whole lifetime 附近农庄上常谈的主要话题是攒钱没有用处身穿粗布罩衫的数学家们,倚着锄头或者犁歇息时,就会开始精确地计算,来证明人老后教区提供的全额救济金,比一个人从一生中挣的工资中积攒起来的钱还要更充足。