Such officer shall pay or tender payment of the market price of any such samples , or , if the market price be unknown or not readily ascertainable , a reasonable price , to the person appearing to have the lawful custody of such food , drug or substance ; and 上述公职人员须向看似是合法保管该等食物药物或物质的人,缴付上述样本的市价或提供该市价的付款,但如不知有关市价或并非可轻易确定有关市价,则须向该人缴付合理的价钱或提供该价钱的付款及
Such officer shall pay or tender payment of the market price of any such samples , or , if the market price be unknown or not readily ascertainable , a reasonable price , to the person appearing to have the lawful custody of such food , drug or substance ; and 上述公职人员须向看似是合法保管该等食物、药物或物质的人,缴付上述样本的市价或提供该市价的付款,但如不知有关市价或并非可轻易确定有关市价,则须向该人缴付合理的价钱或提供该价钱的付款;及
We left this birthday party somewhere between hope and despair and with the convection , not really newly acquired , that proper statistical methods applied to ascertainable facts have their merits in economic forecasting as long as neither forecaster nor public trends for a prediction of certainties of mathematical exactitude 我们离开了这喜忧参半的生日晚会,但也有那种由来已久的信心:将恰当的统计方法用于准确的具体材料,对于经济预测有很大的作用,但前提是预测者本人也好,公众也好,决不能把对可能性和趋势的估计错当成对有数学正确性的确凿事实的预测。