n. pl. (sing. -naz, -nazi) 北欧的犹太人〔区别于 sephardim (西班牙或葡萄牙的犹太人)〕。 adj. -nazic
Example Sentences:
Among the ashkenazi jewish population , gaucher disease is the most common genetic disorder , with an incidence of approximately 1 in 450 persons 在德系犹太人中,戈谢病是最普遍的基因突变疾病,大约为1 / 450 。
Gaucher disease is considerably more common in the descendants of jewish people from eastern europe ( ashkenazi ) , although individuals from any ethnic group may be affected 戈谢病在东欧犹太人(德系犹太人)的后裔中相当普遍,虽然在相似民族中也存在类似个体。