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Chinese translation for "astrict"

Example Sentences:
1.But by now , primary social economic structure has been break , when peasants have the impetus to leave the land and change the life estate , they also have the impetus to cast off the status astrict of " peasant " , and to be a " townsman "
2.( 5 ) nowadays , the measures to cortrol srt include the following : designing the scale scientifically ; improving evaluator ' s competence by trainning ; consummating the laws and rules to astrict evaluators " behavior ; making up effective feedback system to enhance the actual effect
3.This paper first summarizes the production of the e - u - r cooperation for domestic and abroad scholar , and this cooperation is the combination of academic , industry and government ; secondly , try to analyze the reason which astrict the development of independent innovation ; finally , based on the comparative analysis , the article discusses the politic design of the independent innovation in china , which focuses on three main part of independent innovation
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