The rock texture , mineral occurence feature , ore electronmagnetic milling and applied possibilities in ceramics and glass of the jadeite metamorphic aegirine - augite nepheline syenite in suizhou , hubei were studied . the results show that the ore deposit combines the advantages of mining and milling , and the finished ore by single electronmagnetic milling may be fully utilized as the raw materials for ceramics and glasses . meanwhile , another important fact is that the compositon with 90 percent raw ore may be manufactured into the wall and floor tiles with glaze , which was affirmed by a lot of experiment research 随州硬玉质变霓霞正长岩的岩石组织结构、矿物赋存状态、矿石可选性和玻璃陶瓷原料应用试验研究表明:该资源具有易采易选两大优点,矿石经单一磁选的精矿可作玻璃和陶瓷的原料;同时已反复试验证实该资源可烧成原矿用量达90的釉面墙地砖。
The high - pressure metamorphic rocks in northeastern jiangxi province include such types of rocks as jadeite - bearing aegirine - augite albite amphibole schist , jadeite - bearing aegirine - augite quartz albitite , aegirine - augite - bearing amphibole quartz albitite , aegirine - augite - bearing albite amphibole schist , winchite quartz albitite , and magnesio - riebeckite quartz albitite 摘要赣东北高压变质岩包括含硬玉霓辉石钠长角闪片岩、含硬玉霓辉石石英纳长石岩、含霓辉石角长闪石英钠长石岩、含霓辉石钠长角闪片岩、蓝透闪石石英钠长石岩、镁钠闪石石英钠长石岩等岩石类型。