| 1. | Soil : investigation and testing . auscultation of buried work . part 4 : impedance test 土壤.调查与试验.地下工程检测.第4部分:阻抗试验 |
| 2. | Soil : investigation and testing . auscultation of buried work . part 2 : : method by reflection 土壤.调查与试验.地下工程的检测.第2部分:反射法 |
| 3. | The four diagnostic methods refer to inspection , auscultation and olfaction , inquiry and palpation 四诊,即望诊、闻诊、问诊和切诊的总称。 |
| 4. | Soil investigation and testing . auscultation of buried work . part 3 : parralel sonic method 土壤:调查和试验.掩埋物听诊法.第3部分: parralel声音法 |
| 5. | Soil : investigation and testing - auscultation of foundation elements - part 1 : sonic core test 土壤:调查和试验.基本元素听诊法.第1部分:声芯试验 |
| 6. | Soil : investigation and testing - auscultation of buried work - part 5 : gamma - ray transmission method 土壤:调查和试验.地下掩埋的工程的听诊法.第5部分:射线传输法 |
| 7. | This paper illustrates the design and realization of the lung sounds auscultation system based on windows platform in detail 本文详细阐述了基于windows平台的肺音听诊系统的设计与实现。 |
| 8. | Lung auscultation may detect rales , rhonchi or wheezes ; valuable clues to such illnesses as pneumonia , asthma or congestive heart failure ( chf ) 肺部听诊可以听到湿罗音、干罗音或哮鸣音,这对诊断肺炎、哮喘或充血性心力衰竭很有价值。 |
| 9. | The patient will have a satisfactory level of pain control , relief of nausea and vomiting , normal bowel sounds within 72 hours , absence of fever , and lungs clear to auscultation 病人对疼痛控制、恶心呕吐缓解感到满意, 72小时内肠鸣音正常,不发烧,肺部听诊无杂音。 |
| 10. | The cardiologist uses the stethoscope for cardiac auscultation ; listening carefully to detect irregular rhythms , an s3 or s4 often noted in chf and heart murmurs heard with stenotic valve lesions 心脏科医生使用听诊器进行心脏听诊,仔细倾听来发现心律失常、心力衰竭时常出现的第三心音( s3 )和第四心音( s4 )以及狭窄性瓣膜病变时产生的心脏杂音。 |