Succession and breakthrough on autobiographic literature by chinese europeans american authoresses 欧美华人女性自传体文学创作谈
Female , individualized viewpoints on existence in autobiographic literature by chinese - europe americans ' authoresses 论欧美华人自传体文学作品的女性个体生存观
Therefore , kafka ' s works bear a clear autobiographic feature , which is the most significant characteristic that distinguishes him from other modernist schools of writers 卡夫卡的作品带有明显的自传性,它是卡夫卡作品最重要的特征,也是区别于其他现代派作家的重要标志。
Furthermore , kafka ' s personal life experiences embodied in his works successfully collided and echoed with numerous distinct individual cognitions , which is also the right reason why kafka ' s autobiographic creation leaves a long - lasting great reputation 卡夫卡这些装载在文本中的个人生命体验又成功地与无数个人的不同认知发生碰撞与共鸣,这也正是天才的卡夫卡自传性创作能流芳百世的缘由。
I have not yet had an opportunity to read excuse me , are you a model if i had , i might have agreed with her critique that what she disclosed in her autobiographic presentation was indeed too much , too soon . what i have to say about her 1990 self - description , when she was only 22 , is inconsequential 如果我有这个机会的话,或许我会同意她对这本自传的自我评估她不该那么快在自传里透露那么多。她这本自传于1990年出版,当时才不过22岁。我对自传的看法并不重要。
Very striking new achievements have been made in biographic literature research in the last 6 years of the new millennium in the following four aspects : 1 . new developments in the works ; 2 . new breakthrough in theoretic research ; 3 . new field in studying authors and their works ; 4 . new perceptions in autobiographic research 摘要新世纪六年来的传记文学研究取得了新的实绩,具体体现在四个方面:一是传记研究著作的新收获;二是传记理论批评的新突破;三是传记作家作品研究的新拓展;四是自传研究的新深化。
Citing jean rousseau ' s resconfessions and american autobiography of duncan , the paper explores the qualifies of western autobiographic literature ; meanwhile , chinese examples hu shi ' s ideas at the age of pony and sen congwen ' s autobiography are applied to expand the author ' s ideas 摘要文章以法国卢梭的《忏悔录》和美国的《邓肯自传》为例,扼要考察了西方自传文学的重要品质;以胡适的《四十自述》和沈从文的《从文自传》为例,阐释了中国现代自传文学应有的品质,并分析了当下中国“明星自传热”的现状及成因。
It shows sufficiently that miscellaneous drama that describes thoughts provides special artistic value of discourse space for ordinary literati as well as for writer ' s wandering between elegance and vulgarness through manifold ways , such as the practice of expressing will and emotion , the special meaning revealed by autobiographic artistic expression and the natural artistic manner similar to essays of the late ming dynasty 通过自我抒情言志和高扬主体精神的“写心”作法、因自传性艺术演述凸显出来的特殊意味,以及与晚明小品灵动自然、清新隽永之艺术格调的同构对应等,都充分显示出《写心杂剧》既徘徊于雅俗之间,同时又为普通文人提供了特殊的话语空间的艺术价值。