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Chinese translation for "baalbek"


Related Translations:
ras baalbek:  拉斯巴莱拜克
Example Sentences:
1.But like baalbek , the city has important archaeological remains , mostly from roman times
2.Baalbek ' s colossal structures are some of the largest and best preserved roman ruins in the middle east
3.Afterward , he said the temples were the only sites in baalbek that remained illuminated by streetlights during the bitter fighting
4.They made them out of bronze , and at baalbek i ve seen the huge bronze door , 20 - 30 feet high . it s enormous . it is a masterful work of art
5.Baalbek , which means " god of the beqaa plain , " was named a world heritage site by the united nations educational , scientific , and cultural organization in 1984 ( map of lebanon )
巴贝克意思是“贝加平原的上帝” 。 1984年被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。
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