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Chinese translation for "backwoodsman"

Example Sentences:
1.Various backwoodsmen and farmers and jurors actually sniffed and sneered .
2.Constance rourke's statement needs to be complemented with that of tocqueville, who said of the backwoodsman that "everything about him is wild" .
3.Constance rourke ' s statement needs to be complemented with that of tocqueville , who said of the backwoodsman that " everything about him is wild "
康斯坦斯?鲁尔克的说法,应该用托克维尔的话加以补充。他说,边疆居民, “一举一动都很粗鄙” 。
4.Constance rourke ' s statement needs to be complemented with that of tocqueville , who said of the backwoodsman that " everything about him is wild "
康斯坦斯鲁尔克的说法,应该用托克维尔的话加以补充。他说,边疆居民, “一举一动都很粗鄙” 。
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