| 1. | Patients with insomnia treated with acupuncture on baihui 针刺百会穴治疗不寐证78例78 |
| 2. | Quanzhouzhongming baihui goods allocation center 泉州中闽百汇配货中心 |
| 3. | Penetrating baihui treating 35 patients with acute lumbar sprain 百会穴透刺治疗急性腰扭伤35例 |
| 4. | Clinical study on baihui acupuncture in treating cerebral infarction 针刺百会穴治疗脑梗塞的临床研究 |
| 5. | Jiangxi baihui co 江西九江百汇公司 |
| 6. | The conghui point as the yang peak and the baihui point as the yin peak (听劲)一虚灵:头上虚灵顶,囱会穴为阳顶,百会穴为阴顶。 |
| 7. | Combining therapy of hyperbaric oxygen and acupuncture baihui point on meniere ' s disease 高压氧配合针刺百会穴治疗美尼尔氏病33例疗效观察 |
| 8. | Clinical observation of baihui point pricking blood therapy for hypertension disease : a report of 45 cases 百会放血治疗高血压病45例临床观察 |
| 9. | Changes of pulmonary function in healthy people after moxibustion of feishu , baihui and shenque acupoints 艾灸健康人不同穴位后肺功能变化的对照研究 |
| 10. | Clinical study on acupuncture application at baihui point and neiguan point for the treatment of vascular dementia 内关穴治疗血管性痴呆的临床疗效观察 |