n. 1.巴尔布里根棉织品〔爱尔兰织品名,用以做袜子、内衣等〕。 2.〔pl.〕 巴尔布里根织品服装。 adj. 巴尔布里根织品制的。
Example Sentences:
Beneath this he wore trews of deerskin , roughly stitched with gut . his nether extremities were encased in high balbriggan buskins dyed in lichen purple , the feet being shod with brogues of salted cowhide laced with the windpipe of the same beast 胫部裹着染成苔紫色的高地巴尔布里艮49皮绑腿,脚蹬低跟镂花皮鞋,是用盐腌过的母牛皮制成的,并系着同一牲畜的气管做的鞋带。