| 1. | Like an iron bastion , the dam withstood the rushing floodwaters . 大坝好似铜墙铁壁,顶住了洪水的冲击。 |
| 2. | Orion is an easily recognized constellation, a bastion of the winter sky . 猎户座是一个很容易识别的星座,它是冬夜星空中最为引人注目的星座。 |
| 3. | When the last planes turned toward their carriers at about 9∶45, the great american bastion in the pacific was a smoking shambles . 当9时45分左右日本最后一批飞机向航空母舰返航时,这个美国太平洋巨大堡垒变成一团烟雾。 |
| 4. | Two of the sweeping bastions appeared to rest on the water which washed their base, while a deep ditch and extensive morasses guarded its other sides and angles . 其中有两座大碉堡就建在湖边,一面的墙脚被冲刷着,另外的几面和拐角处,则围着一条很深的壕沟和一片开阔的沼泽地。 |
| 5. | The british public scholls are bastion of privilege 英国的公学是特权的堡垒。 |
| 6. | Their solid bastions to the skies , 堡垒似的嶙峋怪石直指云天, |
| 7. | Is there an approximate date of bastion ' s release 有没有一个大致的时间可以透露关于棱堡何时放出? |
| 8. | Bastion one that is considered similar to a defensive stronghold 精神堡垒,被看作类似防御堡垒的人 |
| 9. | Like an iron bastion , the dam withstood the rushing floodwaters 大坝好似钢墙铁壁,顶住了洪水的冲击。 |