| 1. | The treatment practice of rock fall hazardous mass in mou - bau highway section 茅巴公路危岩崩塌体病害的治理 |
| 2. | Bau british absolute unit 英国绝对单位英国热单位 |
| 3. | Rebeka and josef bau 里贝卡和约瑟夫.鲍 |
| 4. | Bau xi gao xi you society , catholic youth town for orphans and youngsters 屏东鲍思高慈幼会天主教少年城孤儿青少年300 , 000 |
| 5. | 1996 one - man show at bau - xi gallery , vancouver , of painting , sculpture and ceramics 1996参加温哥华宝西画廊举办之个展,展出绘画雕塑陶艺 |
| 6. | Travelled to china with bau - xi s paul wong , visiting his home after an absence of 32 years 在两个月访问期间,他回到阔别三十二年的家乡探亲 |
| 7. | 1965 one - man show at bau - xi gallery , vancouver , showing paintings , drawings , sculpture and ceramics 1965温哥华保画廊个展,展出绘画素描雕塑和陶艺品 |
| 8. | Geohiong ( kaohsiung ) mayor sia diongding ( frank hsieh ) opened up his office to tourists and handed out _ ang - bau ( red envelopes of gift money ) to visitors 高雄市长谢长廷今阿日办公室公开乎郎参观,去看耶郎拢有分著红包。 |
| 9. | The accompanying quan yin messenger said : " mayor cho is very much loved by the korean people . he is upright , honest and has a good name for a korean - bau chin tien 旁边的观音使者说:赵市长很受韩国人民爱戴,清廉正直有韩国包青天的美誉,又很喜好爬山,市民皆昵称他为山神。 |