No , he said suddenly to berthier , i cant send claparde 派弗里昂师去吧。 ”他说。
Clapardes division , sire , said berthier , who knew all the divisions , regiments , and battalions by heart 对所有的师团和营都了如指掌的贝蒂埃说。
What do you think ? he asked berthier , that gosling i have made an eagle , as he afterwards called him 他问那个他后来称之为oison que jai fait aigle的贝蒂埃。
Ney and berthier , standing close by , exchanged glances and smiled contemptuously at the wild suggestion of this general 站在拿破仑身旁的内伊和贝蒂埃交换了眼色,对这位将军毫无意义的建议笑了笑。
Napoleon got up , and summoning caulaincourt and berthier , began conversing with them of matters not connected with the battle 拿破仑站起来,把科兰库尔和贝蒂埃叫来,同他们谈一些与战斗不相干的事。
The adjutant bent his head affirmatively and was proceeding to give his message , but the emperor turned and walked a couple of steps away , stopped , turned back , and beckoned to berthier 副官表示肯定地低下头,然后开始报告但是皇帝转过身去不看他,走了两步,停住,又走回来,把贝蒂埃叫来。
He sat in silence on a camp - stool under the redoubt , his elbows on his knees , and his head sunk in his hands . berthier came up to him and suggested that they should inspect the lines to ascertain the position of affairs 他在土岗下面默默地坐在折椅上,垂着头,臂肘放在膝盖上,贝蒂埃走到他面前,建议去视察战线,确切地了解一下实际情况。
The commander of the staff , berthier , had dropped behind to put questions to a russian prisoner taken by the cavalry . accompanied by the interpreter , lelorme dideville , he galloped after napoleon , and pulled his horse up with an amused expression “ un cosaque de platow一个普拉托夫的哥萨克说,普拉托夫军团正同主力大军会合,库图佐夫就任总司令。
After all napoleon had said to him , after those outbursts of wrath , and after the last frigidly uttered words , i will not detain you , general ; you shall receive my letter , balashov felt certain that napoleon would not care to see him again , would avoid indeed seeing again the envoy who had been treated by him with contumely , and had been the eyewitness of his undignified outburst of fury . but to his surprise balashov received through duroc an invitation to dine that day at the emperors table . there were present at dinner , bessires , caulaincourt , and berthier 在拿破仑对他说了那一切之后,在那一阵愤怒的发泄并在最后冷冷地说了如下几句话之后: “ je ne vous retiens plus , gnral , vous recevrez ma lettre ”我不多耽搁您了,将军,您会接到我给您们皇帝的回信译者,巴拉瑟夫相信,拿破仑不仅不愿再看见他,而且还会尽力回避他一个受侮辱的使者,更主要的是,他是拿破仑有失体面的冲动行为的见证人。