| 1. | Striking the table with the side of his right hand , he said there was no connection between russian policies in chechnya and the events in beslan 他右手拍着桌子说道,俄对车臣的政策和别斯兰事件之间没有联系。 |
| 2. | After the incident , hundreds of wounded were admitted to hospitals in beslan , vladikavkaz the capital of north ossetia and moscow 事件发生后,有数百名伤者被送往贝斯兰弗拉迪卡夫卡兹vladikavkaz ,北奥塞提的首府与莫斯科的医院。 |
| 3. | But angry beslan residents and groups such as the beslan mothers ' committee , headed by dudieva , say too many questions are still unanswered 但是很多别斯兰居民和组织,如杜迪埃娃领导的别斯兰母亲委员会,认为还有很多问题都没有得到解答。 |
| 4. | But angry beslan residents and groups such as the beslan mothers " committee , headed by dudieva , say too many questions are still unanswered 但是很多别斯兰居民和组织,如杜迪埃娃领导的别斯兰母亲委员会,认为还有很多问题都没有得到解答。 |
| 5. | Thousands of mourners gathered in beslan on thursday to commemorate the first anniversary of the school siege that claimed 331 lives 上周二,数千名别斯兰人质事件死难者家属聚集在一起,纪念一年前发生的震惊世界的惨剧,共有331人在这次事件中丧生。 |
| 6. | The relief team also flew to vladikavkaz and visited hospitalized victims in that city and in beslan , as well as other survivors in their homes 慰问小组的同修也飞往弗拉迪卡夫卡兹,探望当地与贝斯兰地区医院的受害者,并登门探视一些历劫生还的民众。 |
| 7. | After the relief team s moscow hospital visit , a beslan patient called the moscow center and indicated her interest in learning the convenient method 我们结束莫斯科地区的医院探访后,有一位贝斯兰病人打电话来小中心,表示她对修习方便法感到很有兴趣。 |
| 8. | Since she had been discharged from the hospital and was about to go back to beslan , the relief team arranged for her to learn the convenient form of practice before she returned home 由于她已经办完出院手续即将返回贝斯兰,因此我们安排在她回家之前教她方便法。 |