In fh2 the hand - held mg34 can only be used when laying flat on the ground , using the bipod for support 在fh2中,手持的mg34只有趴在水平地面上并用双脚夹支撑时才可使用。
In 1 . 0 , any weapon with a bipod can be deployed while prone , at a sandbag or at some but not all window ledges . weapons without bipods cannot be deployed 在1 。 0中,我们可以将所有的武器都架在沙包上吗?比如,我们将加蓝德靠在沙包上,窗户框,碎石头上,等等,这样后坐力会减低点?
The xm8 is of modular construction and barrels of different lengths and weights can be interchanged to meet tactical needs , producing carbine , compact carbine , sharpshooter , and ? with a long heavy barrel , a bipod and a largecapacity magazine ? an automatic rifle Xm8属于模块化结构,其枪管有多种不同的长度和重量可供替换以适应战术要求,生产出卡宾枪,紧凑型卡宾枪,狙击枪,以及? ?加装长枪管,两脚架和大容量弹匣的? ?自动步枪。
Fu back crouchs to train a movement : double arm holds high to head upper part , make extend motion , the abdominal muscle that wants to be able to feel oneself has extend the feeling that play , both hands of the waist below fu back feels the instep of bipod after , take advantage of an opportunity is done stay an action , restore later primitive stand condition 俯背蹲起练习动作:双臂向头上方高举,做伸展动作,要能感觉到自己的腹肌有伸拉的感觉,后俯背下腰双手摸两脚的脚面,顺势做蹲起动作,之后恢复原始站立状态。