Each blackfoot tribe was divided into several hunting bands led by one or more chiefs . 每一黑脚人部落分为若干狩猎群组,由一名或多名首领领导。
I been treed by grizzly bears and tracked by blackfeet , 我曾经被大灰熊跟黑脚族人追过
I been treed by grizzly bears and tracked by blackfeet , 我曾经被大灰熊跟黑脚族人追过
Crow , and blackfoot country 克劳族还有黑脚族
Crow , and blackfoot country 克劳族还有黑脚族
He ' ll be speaking the lingo in no time . you should hear him blather on in blackfoot 他很快就能说那些奇怪的语言了.你应该听听他用印第安族的语言喋喋不休的和你说话
He ' d been rescued by a blackfoot indian , had lain unconscious for six days in a montana hospital ' s intensive care unit , and ended up with neurological damage and a blind right eye 在蒙大拿一家医院的特别护理室昏迷了六天,最终还是留下神经损伤和右眼失明的后遗症。
Norman : but when i am alone in the half - light of the canyon , all existence seems to fade to a being with my soul and memories , and the sounds of the big blackfoot river and a four - count rhythm and the hope that a fish will rise 但当我独自站在溪谷的微光中,生命中的所有似乎都褪色成共我灵魂与记忆并存的存在,回荡着大黑脚河的水声,和着四拍的节奏,升腾起大鱼上钩的期盼。