| 1. | Click the blogging button on the top menu bar 点击在顶端工具栏的博客按钮。 |
| 2. | Blogging tool , which has a diary system Blogging工具,这是一个日志系统。 |
| 3. | I ' ve been blogging here ever since 从此,我将在这里开始我的博客生涯了。 |
| 4. | Try to remember why you are blogging 试著记住你为什麽要写部落格。 |
| 5. | Educators did not become involved with blogging right away 教育者们并不是立刻就使用博客写作。 |
| 6. | On value outlook analysis of college students ' craze for blogging 大学生博客热的价值观根源探析 |
| 7. | Much is made of the “ blogging vs . journalism ” argument 有关“网志对新闻”的讨论已经很多了。 |
| 8. | Tools and web applications for blogging Blog的工具和web应用程序 |
| 9. | My use of blogging could be one reason why i was selected 博客的运用可能是我入选的其中一个原因。 |
| 10. | Find out who else is blogging on the topic , and cite them 找出讨论同一话题的其他博客,并引用他们。 |