It is her uncle . the bonze , who has found out about her conversion 原来是她当和尚的叔叔,发现了蝴蝶叛教的事。
Although zhikong is form india , when he appears as a face of " chan master " , he is already a very chinese bonze 由此看出,指空虽是一位来自印度的僧人,当其以“禅师”面目出现时,他即已经是一位很中国化的僧人了。
It is said that there ' s a bonze in shaolin temple . he has been studying wushu for years but anyhow could not surpass his master , so he devoted himself into weapon design and invented tip , and finally beat his master 据说啊(我听别人说的) ,据说少林寺有一和尚,学武数年,总不能超越师傅,于是在兵器设计上狠下工夫,结果创出了梢子,结果胜了师傅
The lucky auspicious preciousness birthplace of the sainted bonze during four hundreds years history , the fact and the prediction is so coincidence and so dramatically . why ? who can tell truth 一片如铜镜般平坦的草原,几幢平淡无奇的藏式小屋,降生了许多享誉中外的大德高僧,四百年的历史,预言与现实,如此巧合,如此富有戏剧性,为什么?谁能拉开这奇妙故事的帷幕
The introduction has several contents as follows : outlines the geological and chronological range ; reviews brief research history of bronze arrows ; makes the intention clear and what means would be taken , defines standard that would be used in typological classification ; makes textual research on subjects and collects all previous appellations for arrows , then raises appellation standard this paper would take . chapter one : researches on bonze arrows in xia - shang dynasty . in this part , on the basis of unearthed bronze arrows in xia - shang dynasty , the author firstly makes typological analysis on bronze arrows patterns , divides them into two sorts , each had analysis on types separately 本文以各不同时期考古出土的青铜镞为研究对象,对青铜镞的形制做类型学的分析,并进行了分期研究,通过对青铜镞分布区域的研究,解析不同区域青铜镞的文化因素构成,最后将研究结果汇总,建立起青铜镞的编年序列,比较深入地探讨了青铜镞在形制上的演进与其在军事上的意义,考证了青铜镞不同的形制所具备的不同功能,并对先秦时期箭在军队使用弓箭的兵种与非实战用的礼射与弋射用箭的情况进行分析探讨。