Identify the bottlers ' complaint on quality function 对装瓶厂投诉进行质量方面鉴定。
Different bottlers of fuel propane use different odourants and so do green gas bottlers hence the different smells 不同的燃料丙烷使用的刺激性气体的添加剂都不同,所以绿气的味道也许是不同的。
Coca - cola bottlers manufacturing ( dongguan ) company ltd . is wholly invested by coca - cola ( china ) investment limited 可口可乐装瓶生产(东莞)有限公司是由可口可乐(中国)投资有限公司独资拥有的外商投资企业。
It would appeal only to maple syrup bottlers and our sales people think that is too narrow of a market for the quantity and the price 或者只有糖枫汁灌浆机还有点吸引力,但是据我们的销售认为就销售数量和价格来看,这个市场太小了。
Cooperate with scmc customer service dept . receiving each customer complaint , contact with the complaint source ( bottler , bottler ea or qc ) within 2 days for the detailed information 与scmc客户服务部协作,收到每起客户投诉,在两天内与投诉来源方(装瓶厂,装瓶厂外事部或品控部)联系,了解投诉的确切情况。
Coca - cola ' s experience reflected exactly that : long before the introduction of vending machines , they had signed a perpetual fixed - price contract to supply their bottlers , at a time of very low inflation 可口可乐的案例反映的正是这种情况:早在引入售货机之前很久,该公司就在通胀非常低的时候签署了长期的固定价格合同,向罐装商供应可乐。
After receiving the consumer complaint samples delivered from bottlers , immediately conduct the necessary product testing and prepare the report . share the result to bottlers and co - packers for their corrective actions 接到装瓶厂寄来的投诉样品后,立即主导相应的产品检测,并准备报告。将结果提供给装瓶厂以及生产厂以便他们采取合适的改善行动。
How he got the job : conceived of and executed the ingenious " 49 percent solution " that removed coke ' s low - return bottlers ? ? and their heaps of debt ? ? from the company ' s books by spinning them off as a separate company 怎样得到这份工作:构想并实施了具有独创性的“ 49 %解决方案” ,这个方案使得可口可乐的低回报灌注机生产线以及它的一大堆债务从可口可乐公司的帐本上一笔勾销,并使之成立为一个独立的公司。
Her them march the guilds and trades and trainbands with flying colours : coopen , bird fanciers , millwrights , newspaper canvassers , law scriveners , masseurs , vintners , trussmakers , chimney sweeps , lard refiners , tabinet and poplin weavers , farriers , italian warehousemen , church decorators , bootjack manufacturers , undertaken , silk mercers , lapidaries , salesmasters , corkcutters , assessors of fire losses , dyers and cleaners , export bottlers , fellmongers , ticketwriters , heraldic seal engravers , horse repository hands , bullion broken , cricket and archery outfitters , riddlemakers , egg and potato factors , hosiers and glovers , plumbing contractors . after them march gentlemen of the bed chamber black rod , deputy garter gold stick , the master of hone , the lord great chamberlain , the earl marshal , the high constable carrying the sword of state , saint stephen s iron crown , the chalice and bible 其中包括桶匠小鸟商人水磨匠报纸推销员公证人按摩师葡萄酒商疝带制造者扫烟囱的,提炼猪油的,织波纹塔夫绸和府绸的,钉马掌的铁匠,意大利批发商,教堂装饰师,制造靴拔子的,殡仪事业经营人绸缎商宝石商推销员制造软木塞的火灾损失估价员开洗染行的,从事出口用装瓶业的,毛皮商印名片的,纹章图章雕刻师屯马场的工役金银经纪人板球与射箭用具商制造粗筛子的,鸡蛋土豆经销人经售男袜内衣和针织品商人手套商自来水工程承包人。