| 1. | In 1998 he took over as director of brookhaven national laboratory on eastern long island 由于之前放射性氚同位素渗入地下水中,前任主任拖了一阵子才承认,立刻就遭革职了。 |
| 2. | Paid fellowships at the international atomic energy agency ( iaea ) , sponsored by doe . administered through brookhaven national laboratory , international safeguards project office 国际原子能总署的付费会员,为美国能源部赞助。由布克海文国家实验室管理,国际安全制度专案办公室。 |
| 3. | Researchers at the brookhaven national laboratory in upton , new york , reported that something in cigarette smoke lowers the levels of an enzyme known as mao b 纽约厄普顿的布鲁克黑文国家实验室的研究人员报告说:卷烟烟雾中的某种物质减少了一种酶- -也就是人们所知的单胺氧化酶b的含量。 |
| 4. | In the following decades , short superconducting cables were built and tested to carry alternating current ( ac ) in brookhaven , n . y . , and near graz , austria , with the latter operating connected to the local grid for several years 接下来的几十年,有人做出较短的超导电缆,在纽约布鲁克海文和奥地利格拉茨附近测试输送交流电,在奥地利还连接当地的电力网,运作了好几年。 |
| 5. | The game was programmed on an edsac vacuum - tube computer which had a cathode ray tube display . william higginbotham created the first video game ever in 1958 . his game called " tennis for two " was created and played on a brookhaven national laboratory oscilloscope 魔兽争霸仙剑奇侠传古墓丽影三国志电脑游戏大行其道,众玩家也时不时来场大型pk .如今是个“群游争霸”的时代。 |
| 6. | Although a discovery has not yet been announced , many physicists believe that a quark - gluon plasma , which would provide clues about the early universe , has been created in heavy - ion collisions in the relativistic heavy ion collider ( rhic ) at the brookhaven lab 虽然科学家尚未宣布发现此种物质,但许多物理学家相信,布鲁克海文国家实验室的相对性重离子对撞机( rhic )其实已经制造出夸克胶子浆了。 |
| 7. | The operation and first collisions of au nuclei in the relativistic heavy ion collider ( rhic ) at brookhaven national laboratory ( bnl ) during year 2000 began a new era in the study of nuclear matter at high energy density and the search of quark - gluon plasma ( qgp ) 原子核又是由核子通过强相互作用而结合在一起的。强相互作用的基本理论,量子色动力学( qcd ) ,指出所有参与强相互作用的基本粒子都是夸克( q )及反夸克( ( ? ) )的束缚态。 |
| 8. | " since vitamin d has been shown to play a protective role in a number of internal cancers and possibly a range of other diseases , it is important to study the relative risks to determine whether advice to avoid sun exposure may be causing more harm than good in some populations , " said richard setlow , a biophysicist at the brookhaven national laboratory in the us 美国布克海文国家实验室的生物物理学家理查德?谢德罗说, “由于维他命d在许多内在癌或者其他疾病方面起到预防作用,所以研究相关的风险,以确定避免日光的建议对一些人的健康来说弊大于利就显得非常重要了。 |
| 9. | " since vitamin d has been shown to play a protective role in a number of internal cancers and possibly a range of other diseases , it is important to study the relative risks to determine whether advice to avoid sun exposure may be causing more harm than good in some populations , " said richard setlow , a biophysicist at the brookhaven national laboratory in the us 美国布克海文国家实验室的生物物理学家理查德?塞特罗说: “由于维他命d在人体内显示出对许多致癌因素以及某些致病因素的防护作用,所以研究在某些人群中避免日晒的做法是否弊大于利的具有一定风险性的决定是很重要的。 ” |
| 10. | " since vitamin d has been shown to play a protective role in a number of internal cancers and possibly a range of other diseases , it is important to study the relative risks to determine whether advice to avoid sun exposure may be causing more harm than good in some populations , " said richard setlow , a biophysicist at the brookhaven national laboratory in the us “既然维他命d已经被展示出在许多的内部癌症中或其他的疾病中起到了一个保护的作用,研究相关的风险来决定是否避免阳光照射可能会在一些人群中导致更多的危害则是很重要的。 |