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Chinese translation for "c-peptide"


Related Translations:
toxic peptides:  毒肽类
cest:  广东省产品质量监督检验中心跑爱
c dating:  碳14测年
金c:  kim c
c display:  c型显示器
c major:  c大调
c channel:  通道,信道
chymotrypsin c:  胰凝乳蛋白c
ntsc c:  关于行货软件
钍c:  thorium c
Example Sentences:
1.Recent radioactive scans within 1 week of a c - peptide test
2.Obesity , which can cause increased c - peptide levels because of the increased production of insulin associated with obesity
3.Over the six - month period there was little change in the stimulated c - peptide values of the group , indicating that they may have had retention of endogenous insulin production longer than expected for young children
在6个月期间,组里的受激c -肽值没有什么改变,表明他们可以使孩子保持自身胰岛素产生的时间超过预期的时间。
4.At 6 months after ahst treatment , the level of c - peptide , a marker that shows the presence of the body ' s own produced insulin , was significantly greater than the pre - treatment values , and did not change at 12 and 24 months
干细胞移植后6个月, c -肽水平,反映体内自身产生胰岛素的标记物,比治疗前显著升高,在12个月和24个月时也没有改变。
5.Specifically , the researchers examined the effect of sleep deprivation on plasma concentrations of hormones involved in glucose metabolism , including insulin , glucagon , c - peptide , acth and cortisol levels , before and during a hypoglycemic clamp procedure
研究人员特别研究了在低血糖产生之前及低血糖期间,睡眠不足对血浆中与葡萄糖代谢有关的激素浓度的作用,包括胰岛素、高血糖素、 c -肽、 acth和皮质醇水平。
6.Specially warning : youd better have a pancreas function test insulin and c - peptide releasing , etc . , at least a sugar tolerance test and takes the same test again after a course of treatment so as to compare the effect , observe the range of pancreas function improving and guide you how to take drugs for the next step
7.New york ( reuters health ) sept 07 - a short period of sleep deprivation causes changes in hormonal glucose regulation , with a strong effect on pancreatic islet secretion , a decrease in glucagon levels and a slight reduction in c - peptide levels , according to a small study in the august issue of the journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism
纽约(路透社健康新闻) 9月7日据《临床内分泌及代谢》杂志8月刊上的一项小型研究称,短期的睡眠不足会导致葡萄糖调节激素改变,对胰岛素分泌产生强烈影响,降低高血糖素水平,使c -肽水平轻微减少。
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