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Chinese translation for "cadmus"

Example Sentences:
1.As he moved onward, cadmus retreated before him, holding his spear opposite to the monster's opened jaws .
2.Cadmus gave thanks and, stooping down, kissed the foreign soil, then lifting his eyes greeted the surrounding mountains .
3.The cadmus revolutionary front is run by a man named ushek san ' ko
4.There ' s this fringe terrorist cell called the cadmus revolutionary front
5.Cadmus went and sought long and far for his sister , but could not find her
6.This fact not only cadmus , who slew a serpent sacred to mars , but all the family of cadmus found out to their cost
7.Cadmus , alarmed , prepared to encounter a new enemy , but one of them said to him , " meddle not with our civil war .
卡德摩斯惊恐万状,准备迎战这群敌人。但是其中的一个武士向他说: “不要插手我们的内战。 ”
8.Cadmus , alarmed , prepared to encounter a new enemy , but one of them said to him , " meddle not with our civil war .
卡德摩斯惊恐万状,准备迎战这群敌人,但是其中的一个武士向他说: “不要插手我们的内战。 ”
9.Cadmus next threw his javelin , which met with better success , for it penetrated the serpent ' s scales and pierced through to his entrails
10.Cadmus next threw his javelin , which met with better success , for it penetrated the serpent ' s scales and pierced through to his entrails
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