In the streets the lively crowd is dressed in the most fantastic costumes - gigantic cabbages walk gravely about , buffaloes heads below from men s shoulders , dogs walk on their hind legs ; in the midst of all this a mask is lifted , and , as in callot s temptation of st . anthony , a lovely face is exhibited , which we would fain follow , but from which we are separated by troops of fiends . this will give a faint idea of the carnival at rome 在这种种纷乱嘈杂之中,一只假面具向上揭了一下,象卡洛的圣安东尼之诱惑里所描绘的那样,露出了一个可爱的面孔,你本来很想钉梢上去的,但忽然一队魔鬼过来把你和她冲散了,上述的一切可以使你对于罗马的狂欢节有一个大概的了解。