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Chinese translation for "canyoning"

Example Sentences:
1.Other sports activities are mountaineering , hiking , canyoning , speleology , mountain - biking , archery , climbing , rappel on rock and on bridge , skiing on stones , kayak and rafting on rivers of the surrounding area
其他体育运动有在周围地区的登山、远足、峡谷穿越、探洞、山地骑行、射箭、攀岩和速降(在山岩或桥上) 、滑石、划艇和漂流。
Similar Words:
"canyon, gorge" Chinese translation, "canyon-type cell" Chinese translation, "canyon-type centrifuge" Chinese translation, "canyon-type pump" Chinese translation, "canyonfan system" Chinese translation, "canyonlands" Chinese translation, "canyonlands national park" Chinese translation, "canyonlike" Chinese translation, "canyonside" Chinese translation, "canyonville" Chinese translation