14 species are edible plants , 37 species are medicinal plants , 11 species are ornamental plants and31 species are feeding plants , the major types of halophytic vegetation in hebei province include ptenothalophyta such as tamarix chinensis brush and siberian brush , and littoral halophytic vegetation such as succulent vegetation , poion , chomophyte and etc . epidermal cell exosporium of tamarix chinensis blade is papillous and capillaceous ; stoma and salt - secreting gland are under the epidermis ; differentiation level of mesophyll tissue is rather high ; porder camber is obvious ; and mechanical tissue is developed 河北省盐生植物的经济价值较高,其中可食用的盐生植物共计14种,可药用的盐生植物37种,可饲用的盐生植物31种,具有观赏价值的盐生植物11种,可以作为纤维植物计约9种。河北省主要盐生植被类型有柽柳灌丛、西伯利亚白刺灌丛等落叶灌丛和肉质型、禾草型、杂类草型盐尘植被等滨海盐生植被。